A series of exercises for the direct recovery of posture

The man with the straight back attracts attention in any company. Exercises home maintenance will help you to anyone to become the same. The courses do not require significant financial costs and exhausting work. The secret of good posture lies only in the desire to achieve perfection.


Poor posture can be the result of hereditary diseases or injuries of the spine. But more often the causes of the pathology are in a poor position of the back while working, sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical constraints. In the risk group are pupils, students, office workers, knowledge workers, seamstresses, drivers professional.

The benefits of the posture and the method of its verification

The benefits of the posture are obvious. The straight line of the back, neck and shoulders, superb looks aesthetically. It not only speaks about the physical health of the man, but about his discipline, the ability to work on self, respect of self and others. Companion plane of the posture is "royal" approach. The ideal spin gives self-confidence, and brings competitive advantages.

Curve and spin when hanging belly say of laziness, or complete indifference to the surroundings. This is not only ugly, but also dangerous for the health. Even the small curvature of the spine can cause:

  • dangerous, pathologies of internal organs;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • a slowing of blood circulation in the limbs;
  • hypoxia of the tissues of the brain;
  • pinch the nerve endings.

The correct posture characterized by direct of the position of the body in the vertical plane. The shoulders are at the same level of height, slightly and omitted. The chest and the back is slightly protruding. A person can without any problem to bend the knees without discomfort. When flattening together, they must be perfectly straight and the knees, heels, and thighs, to come into contact with each other.

For the validation of the posture, there is a very simple method. It is necessary to lean against the back wall and completely straight. The feet must be together, the arms fall along the body. The head is also pressed against the back surface, the view in front of him.

Someone from the family must go of the hand between the wall and the lower back. If the palm of circulate freely, this means that the posture is correct. In the opposite case, we observe a deviation of the spinal column. The weakening of the muscles of the press reject the back to back, not allowing him to straighten up.

Courses for beginners

The posture correction starts with the execution of the exercises are the most simple. For a start, it is necessary to learn how to sit with the back straight. The charging can be performed directly in front of the computer, develop the habit:

  1. Take a right, the shoulder blades together, chin tilted towards the chest. Such a position, it is necessary to maintain at least 30 seconds.
  2. The right back do the movements of the hand, such as when browsing crawl.
  3. Tilt forward, clutching the ankles with hands.

To correct the incorrect position of the spine, well-tailored exercises with the objects of fortune. One of them is done with the help of several books. They have to be put on the head and go over to the other side of the wall. The books must not fall. To make the exercise more difficult, you can have the air of a staircase.

The correct posture for the exercise, if you provide the hands behind the back of the different elements. Therefore, although development of shoulder and joints. First, the transfer is made to the left hand on the right shoulder, then side of the exchange. Such a movement is the more necessary to repeat 15 to 20 times.


Another exercise is done standing. Let's raise the maximum to the right, which extends from the crown to the top. Feet together, arms along the body. On the inspiration to straighten up in the rope, and on the expiration of the slope, making the lower back round. Let's focus on the breath. Repeat 10 to 15 times.


The prevention of diseases of the back and of the restoration of the correct position of the spine in the early stages of scoliosis effective is yoga. The followers of this doctrine assert that the man is young and in good health, until the curve of his spine.

Consider the 3 most appropriate asanas to relax the muscles and relieve pain:

  1. "The cat". Simple and a very useful exercise. For the right to organize a asanas, it is recommended to look at his photos. The initial position of the body — four legs. The inspiration is deep to the arches, as you exhale, round back. Do it every day 15 to 20 times.
  2. Sleeping face down, the knee moves towards the chin, the other leg is stretched out to the end open in the rear. The forehead and the palm of butt in the floor. The exercise is repeated several times on each side.
  3. Sitting on his knees, raise our hands. The buttocks omitted on the heel and the hand, pull it forward, sliding on the ground. In this position, you must relax over a few tens of seconds.

Ideal for the correction of the posture of the next series:

  1. Lie on your back and pull your knees up towards your chest with the hands. Push the hips in the belly and powerful exhale. Relaxing, listening to your breath.
  2. Starting Position — lying on back, feet on the width of the hips. Exhale slowly hold his hands behind his head and, leaning on the shoulders, lift the pelvis and hips as high as possible.
  3. Exhaling, lower the hips and still tighten the feet to the chest. Completely air to breathe.
  4. On the inhalation, the hands go back, the legs and stand at a right angle. With aspir with exhalation, re-tighten the knees to the chest.

This support is the training of the spine due to relaxation of the shoulder girdle. Exercises for a beautiful posture are met 8 times.

Relieve the pain in the back and remove the staples to help this complex:

  1. Starting Position — lying on the belly, forearms, the two hands are in front of him. The left leg is bent at the knee, the namesake of the hand it is necessary to grasp the rear foot.
  2. Fell back to the rear, simultaneously вытягиваем leg. Move left hand to the front. Keep this position 6 breathing cycles, and then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  3. The hands attach to the back of the ankle of both feet. Pulling them out of the soil of the chest and bringing the shoulder blades together, bend as possible. Swinging gently back and forth to the rhythm of the breathing. Maintain the pose for 8 breaths. Then, double-repeat asana.
  4. Lying on the back, we press on the knees and hips to the chest. You can swing from one side to the other, remove the clamps of the muscles. Take the right knee with the right hand and the left of the left. Slowly rotates 3 times in the clockwise direction and the same in the opposite direction.

Japanese method

In a very interesting way of posture correction for adults has developed a doctor japanese Fukutsuji. It is based on the back of the spine in its anatomically correct position. The japanese specialist says that for the direct acquisition of the posture is enough, at only 5 minutes per day. The exercise is done using a roll of towels.

In the result of daily practice, the individual learns to keep the back flat in the sitting position and in motion. The spine straightens, the process takes trust. In addition, greatly facilitated by the breathing, improves sleep, offset by the psyche.


The methodology Fukutsuji includes the following actions:

  • sit on the mat, legs and the lower back;
  • lie on your back, placing the roll exactly at the level of the umbilicus;
  • the legs spread of about 25 cm, with big fingers come into contact with each other, and the heel is dedicated to hand;
  • the hands extended behind the head, palms facing down to the ear touching;
  • be in this position for 5 minutes.

At the onset of the sensation of pain the current should be reduced, and then increase gradually.

Exercises with stick

This gym is perfect for everyone, but is especially popular among women. Of course with a projectile of lead in the tonus of the back muscles, relieve the clamp and line the posture. It is necessary to start with small loads, gradually increasing.

To practice used a stick with a length of 120 cm in size enables you to perform exercises in all positions: sitting, standing, and lying down. Each movement is repeated 10-20 times, depending on the level of training of the person.

Here are the most popular of the year:

  1. From a standing position, arms extended, while holding a shot of a large handle. The stick rotates in all directions, up to the torsion members.
  2. Hold a projectile to the vertical, through it, to perform mahi feet.
  3. The conservation of the balance on one leg. Stick in this update to the other. The posture is maintained for a few seconds, and the feet change.
  4. Jumps on one leg by a projectile, mounted in parallel with the ground.
  5. A kneeling Position. Stick up both hands and draw it into a circle. The movement is administered only by the body.
  6. In a standing position and holding a stick behind the head, bow to the front. Another variant of the exercise with a projectile, опущенным behind the back.
  7. With a focus stick on the stretched hands are swinging up and down.
  8. Lie on your back and keep a missile before you with outstretched arms. The legs bend and pass under the stick.

Not all exercises to successfully execute immediately. Therefore, you need to master progressively in proceeding from the simple to the complex.

Exercises unit

This missile is capable of bringing more benefits to form a beautiful posture. Today, the bar is in any park, in many sites, and anyone can install it at home. In general, these courses are drugged by the men, but the basic exercises are very helpful and the girls.

The main exercise for the back is normal for the screws on the lintel. Through these exercises, posture is improved, and the load on the spine decreases. It is desirable to hang on for 1 minute several times a day, as much as possible by relaxing muscles. Thus, the intervertebral discs necessarily snap into place.

In case of need, the exercise can be difficult, making swing the feet and the body. Another option is to mimic the walk, doing the movements to the lower legs. Osteochondrosis, it is recommended to hang the legs crossed on the ankles. But in this case, before the session, you must consult your doctor.

For muscle building, the corset and the formation of a right back, it is recommended to do push-ups. It is important to perform a smooth motion, synchronizing with the breath. The handle should be solid, with the thumb on the side. Elbows desirable to maintain in parallel to each other.

Thus, everyone can choose the exercises according to the level of training and their own taste. However, before you begin, it is necessary to take note of the list of the contraindications and consult a doctor.